Saturday 10 May 2008

Aright, Already

Here it is. My first post.
I am the busiest I've ever been in my life. I have 30 odd dance costumes to do before the end of May, a quilt to finish before this Thursday that Ive entered in a show, a sample of a demonstration I am doing at the show, 64 costumes to get done(with a lot of help) for Starstruck before the first week in June and to top it all off We've put our house on the market to sell. Now we've got to have the place respectable for photos and strangers looking through our personal space. FUN FUN FUN!!!
It feels good venting. When it's all written down I can justify feeling like my head is about to explode.
Tomorrow is Mothers Day. I guess I'll take a little time out to love those around me, if only for a couple of hours, then it will be back to the grindstone.
When I have finished all of this I'll have to remind myself to say NO!!!
There you go , you wanted me to blog and now I cant stop

Til next time


When will my mum start. My aunty made this for my mum and she hasn't wrote anything. She is proablly quilting or making dancewear.

From Harv6 (Her son)