Saturday 18 January 2014

Organised I will be....

I am really excited about getting things in order around our place.
As we live in a barn we are lacking in storage, but this year I am going to change that.
We are extending another room into the roof space at one end of upstairs for our biggest boy. The other two are having a custom built-in double size bunk bed in their room which will free up some space upstairs for a tv and study area.
So today I got a start on my organisation...In a shipping container we have for storage I found some old baskets that we had saved when the frames they went in were broken....perfect for the boys clothes cupboard....
It is so good to purge out stuff that is cluttering up our space. Like a breath of fresh air.
While I was on my cleaning high, I cleaned the cupboard under the kitchen sink...ah that's better.
My inspiration for organising this year is from The Organised Housewife. Her website and facebook page are great and really help to keep me motivated.
Back to quilting soon...
Leanne xo

Friday 17 January 2014

Being Present.....

.....that is what I have been for my family for the last two months of no blogging. In fact, I have hardly even turned my computer on.
 I was incredibly busy quilting customer quilts coming up to Christmas so I made a conscious decision to do only the things that are important to me and my family. When not quilting I have had a heap of social events that got me out of my lonesome workplace and spending time with friends and family...
I am feeling extremely relaxed after taking three weeks off. We have been enjoying the summer at our little patch of paradise....swimming in the pool, playing pool and air hockey on our new table, having family and friends over and just relaxing in general.
I am looking forward to all that 2014 brings. I have chosen a word to help me through the next 12 months.
So here goes.....bring on 2014, I'm ready....